
Corey Radtke, PMA®-CPT

Pilates Studio Director
Pilates Movement Specialist


  • Pre and post knee or hip replacement surgery
  • Back pain, back injury recovery
  • Pre and post back surgery
  • Pre and post menopause transition
  • Post cancer treatment recovery
  • Neurological conditions
  • If you want to get your groove back!


Pilates to me is more than a series of movements. It’s connection. It’s finding the deep muscles that work to support you that you didn’t know existed. It’s feeling the breath flow through your body in magical ways. It’s knowing where your body is in space. It’s balance. AND it IS a series of movements, movements that at first glance you think you’re not capable of, but then you find out that you are! With a Pilates practice you can achieve the lifestyle you dream about. Whatever that means for you.

For me, that’s feeling stronger as I age, to maintain my posture and keep doing the things I love: travel; long walks on sandy beaches; casual bike rides; stand-up paddle boarding; swimming in the ocean; skiing and dancing in any form!

I was plagued with lower back and neck pain most of my 20’s and early 30’s. The pain would come and go as I sought different chiropractors, massage specialists, and physical therapists. Then, while living in Munich, Germany, my first child was born. My pregnancy was healthy, however, afterward, I found myself in more pain than I had ever experienced. Just holding my little guy was excruciating. I instinctively knew that if I wanted to experience good health and to be a good mother, I needed to find something to support my body and my health. It was very clear to me at the time that if I didn’t find a way to strengthen my back muscles and my body core, that no treatment could ever really work effectively. Did you ever just KNOW something instantly? That’s how it was for me.

That’s when Pilates saved my life and came in the form of a wonderful Pilates teacher in Munich, Germany. She pushed me to learn more. She saw a teacher living inside me and encouraged me to keep learning. The rest, my friends, is history!  Thousands of training hours later with a wonderful variety of teachers and close to 20,000 teaching hours – here we are!

I’ve been teaching since 2003. I’ve birthed two beautiful children raising them with my incredible husband. Teaching has become my deepest passion after being a mother. After 20 years of practicing movement and awareness, and experiencing deep connections I am still learning, still a student. But I am also a teacher — passionate about aging with such grace that we can be everything we want to be.

Favorite quote: “Patience and persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor.” Joseph Pilates

Why I teach Pilates at Elite:

I was moved by my own experience and I wanted to guide others in their own transformation. With every client I learn something new. As we age, we just want to feel good, healthy and strong. It doesn’t matter if you have health issues or not, Pilates can help every population. What I tell people is that real Pilates helps whatever it is that you do in everyday life to do it better, to just feel better. Elite Health Services has the best physical therapists and functional trainers in the business and the work they are doing is top in their field. I am proud to be a part of the team.


  • Advanced Pilates for Neurological Conditions, Meghan Koppele – Neuro Studio, October-December, 2022
  • Pilates for Neurological Conditions, Mariska Breland – Neuro Studio, November 2021
  • The Masters Program 3 month program: Develop as an Expert Teacher, Curriculum design, 2020
  • Scoliosis: “The Artistic Spine” and “Twisted Pelvises”  – Shari Berkowitz, October 2019
  • PRI Integration for Pilates (Postural Restoration Institute), April 2019
  • Therapeutic Pilates for Rehabilitation Professionals (APPI Institute), 2016
  • Shari Berkowitz & The Vertical Workshop: Injuries, Ailments, Imbalances – Shari Berkowitz, Biomechanics Specialist, 2015
  • Pilates Rehab for Back Injures – Elliot Fishbein, PT, OCS, CFMT and Matt McCulloch Director of Kinected Studio, 2012
  • FAMI Workshop (Functional Anatomy for Movement and Injuries) Mount Sinai School for Medicine, Kinected Studio NYC 2012
  • Healthy Necks – Kelly Kane, Kinected, NYCNY, 2010
  • Gait Analysis with Elliot Fishbein, PT, OCS, CFMT, Kinected NYC, 2010


  • Certified Pilates Teacher – NPCP, National Pilates Certification Program (formerly PMA)
  • Kane School Teacher Training, Kelly Kane, Pilates Master Teacher and Biomechanics Specialist, New York City, NY (2003)
  • Pure Body Movements, Munich, Germany (2001-2002), Pilates Mat-work and Equipment Teacher Training Certification